United Nations Economic Commission for Europe has launched a photography contest on 5 June 2020 under

We are delighted to inform you that the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe has launched a photography contest on 5 June 2020 under the title“Humans locked down, nature unlocked: a global photo contest on flora and fauna in the time of COVID-19 in support of the restoration of ecosystems”, on the occasion of World Environment Day. 

We are looking for striking photographs of flora and fauna made during COVID-19 outbreak, in an attempt to reinforce the message the United Nations is trying to send: we need to take urgent action to protect and restore species’ natural habitats, use natural resources in a more sustainable manner, and preserve the environment. This action is central to a healthier environment for humans, in which nature can develop undisturbed to provide us with the essential functions such as fresh air to breathe and clean water to drink.

The contest will be open for submissions until 15 September 2020, after which the judges comprised of UNECE Bureaux of the Committees on Forests and the Forest Industry and the Environmental Policy and a nature photographer will make a selection of 13 most impressive photographs, that will subsequently be used to illustrate a 2021 calendar of UNECE and showcased at an exhibition at the Palais des Nations in autumn 2020.

We would like to invite you to help us spread the news about this photo contest through your channels, as well as to submit your own images captured during the lockdown. While the photographs must be of sufficient quality, they do not have to be taken by a professional camera, nor captured by a professional photographer. You can find out more, as well as submit the photos through the website


We are looking forward to receiving your images and sharing them with the world.